
Pop nsync karaoke
Pop nsync karaoke

pop nsync karaoke

pop nsync karaoke

She is the love child of Dua Lipa and Weird Al, and a recovering “Guys Girl”. She is a host of the Millennial Movie Club Podcast, and has recently released the first single on her comedy album, Plant Daddy, streaming everywhere now. Jaz Zapp is a comedian and content creator that thrives in the millennial corner of the internet. Shout out to (probably) listeners of the podcast, Weird Al, Dua Lipa, and Evan Rachel Wood. We also play a game where Jaz composes songs about our favorite movies! Am I the next Princess of Genovia? Who's to say. We realize just how many similarities there are between Mean Girls and Never Been Kissed, My So Called Life, and well, kinda everything that came before it.

#Pop nsync karaoke how to

We discuss Jaz’s experience with improv, making music, being a former child actor, and how to dismiss the limiting tropes and stereotypical boxes that female-identifying comedians are put in so you can be be the funny, smart, sexy, and person to desire to be. (Or in the words of the inimitable Weird Al, “Dare To Be Stupid”.) You will come to discover in this episode that both crying in public and falling down a flight of stairs are essentially rites of passage living in New York City. We talk about being funny, not caring about what people think, and getting used to feeling stupid.

pop nsync karaoke

Jaz Zepatos is featured on this week's episode of Nicstalgia.

Pop nsync karaoke